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Excimer Laser Treatment for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition which results from loss of melanin in skin leading to white spots and patches. It can be localized, segmental and generalized. Vitiligo is a psychologically distressing condition with a lot of social stigma. Vitiligo can appear at any age from childhood to adulthood.

Various types of treatment modalities are available at Collagen Clinics for the treatment of vitiligo like topical and systemic medications, laser therapy, phototherapy and surgical treatments.

Excimer Laser Treatment is the most advanced treatment for vitiligo and it is a very good option for people who have not responded to any other treatment. 308 nm excimer laser works well in restoring the pigmentation of vitiligo lesions. Multiple sessions are required for good results. Collagen Clinic is one of the Best Skin Clinic in Jaipur for Laser Treatment of Vitiligo.


Is it painful?

It is completely painless treatment.

How much time it takes for treatment?

 Laser treatment takes few minutes to half hour depends upon the body area involved.

How many sessions are required?

Dr. Priyanka Sharma who is among the top dermatologists in India offering her services at Collagen Clinics which is the best advanced, anti-ageing and cosmetic dermatology clinic in north India, recommends 308 nm excimer laser treatment sessions two times a week for 4 to 6 months.

Is it safe in children?

 Excimer laser can be safely used in both adults and children also.

What is cost of vitiligo treatment in Jaipur?

Cost of treatment depends on the severity of problem and number of treatments required. At Collagen Clinics we have kept our prices affordable and economical. Dr. Priyanka Sharma is among the top dermatologists in India offering her services at Collagen Clinics which is the Best Center for Vitiligo Treatment in north India. On an average cost of vitiligo treatment comes between INR 4000-8000 per month.

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