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Moles & Skin Tags

Moles & Skin Tags

Moles & Skin Tags

Mole Removal in Jaipur | Mole Removal Cost India

Moles are pigmented lesions or blemishes on face and body. They can be congenital or acquired later in life. Most of moles are harmless, but if there is recent change in color, size, shape and thickness of mole, it’s time to see your dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Mole removal in Jaipur is outpatient treatment and not associated with complications.

Most people use home remedies for mole removal. But it can lead to infections and scarring which then becomes more difficult to treat and also cost you more. That’s why consult a well qualified dermatologist near you for mole removal. Sometimes cancer can develop in moles that can be missed by in experienced persons.

Dr. Priyanka Sharma at Collagen Clinics examines all her patient and suggests best possible treatment available at affordable cost. At Collagen Clinics which is Best Mole Removal Treatment clinic in Jaipur we have all latest technology for mole removal and also medical and super specialty surgical expertise for best treatment.

Skin Tag Removal in Jaipur | Skin Tag Removal Cost India

Skin tags are common and harmless skin outgrowth present in many people. They can be skin colored, pigmented or swollen. Commonly seen in middle age, diabetic and obese people. They are thought to be because of insulin resistance or friction. They are usually assymptomatic.

Most people get Skin Tag Removal for cosmetic reasons. Sometimes skin tag can be traumatized because of friction by jewelry that also warrants removal.

They can be removed by many techniques like Radiofrequency ablation, CO2 Laser, Cryotherapy, Excision or Ligation. Cost of Skin tag removal depends on number of lesions, technique used and clinical setup.

Wart Removal in Jaipur | Wart Removal Cost India

Warts are caused by a viral infection. They are contagious, that means they spread from one person to another. Commonly occurs as cross infection at parlors and Salons but can occur by weak immunity and contact with infected person.

They look slightly different from skin tags and can be easily identified by a qualified dermatologist. Mostly they occur at face, beard, scalp, hands and genitalia.

Removal of warts is the best and cost effective treatment. But sometimes mere removal is not effective and you have to resort other options for resistant and recurrent cases like cryotherapy, pairing, immunotherapy, intra-lesional injection of Vit. D, Bleomycin or MMR Vaccine. Major drawback of these treatments is repeated sittings requirement.

Cost of wart removal depends on number of lesions, technique used and clinical setup.

Milia Removal in Jaipur | Milia Removal Cost India

Milia are white bumps that occur on face mostly around eyes and forehead. They are smooth and pearl like which you try removing but doesn’t come out.

They mostly occur in teens but can occur at any age. They are not harmful and usually don’t require treatment. But if they are multiple and bothersome, you can get them removed by your Dermatologist at Skin Clinic Near Me.

 Various modalities are available for milia treatment like Needle extirpation, RFA and CO2 Laser. Cost of milia removal treatment depends on number of milia, technique used and time required to remove them.

Cyst Removal in Jaipur | Cyst Removal Cost India

 Sebaceous cyst are very common over face, scalp and back. They are painless swelling which can be present from very long time in your body. They are easily identified by presence of small opening called punctum. When you remove the content of cyst it smells of sebum.

They are noticed by person many a times when they get infected and causes pain and pus discharge. Non symptomatic cyst require treatment if they are large in size for cosmetic reasons.

Excision of cyst along with punctum and its surrounding wall is treatment of choice. For infected cyst first incision and drainage of pus is done and excision is done at a later date. Cost of Sebaceous Cyst Removal depends on the size, location and qualification and experience of doctor.

Corn Removal in Jaipur | Corn Removal Cost India

Corns are callosities that develop on sole of foot and toes. It is caused by pressure from improper footwear. Treatment include Surgical and non surgical methods.

Each corn and patient is different and the treating doctor may suggest surgical correction or conservation treatment according to the individual’s condition. The doctor  mostly recommend foot corn removal surgery when the conservative treatment does not work out.

With the surgical procedure, thick regions of the corn will be removed till its roots. The foot or toe corn removal surgery cost depends on number, size, location and qualification and experience of doctor.

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